The New C: Why Variable Length Arrays?


By Randy Meyers, October 01, 2001

C meets Fortran, at long last.


In C99, the bounds of an array can now be a run-time expression. Such arrays are called variable length arrays or VLAs for short. VLAs can simplify storage management in a program and allow the use of the normal array notation even when the problem to be solved requires arrays to have different sizes at different times. To appreciate VLAs, you need to understand the problems in C90 that they remedy. To understand the problems and the way that VLAs work, you need to understand the relationship between pointers and arrays in C. This month’s column concentrates on the above topics. Next month, VLAs will be presented in their entirety.


Pointers and Arrays


If you ask programmers to name the greatest strength of C, many of them will say pointers. There is good reason for this, since pointers in C have the following four powerful features:

  1. Pointers in C are strongly typed. The type of a pointer includes the type of the object pointed to. Thus, if you dereference a pointer to float, you get a float.
  2. Pointers in C are an orthogonal part of the type system. You can have pointers to pointers, arrays of pointers, and even pointers to entire arrays.
  3. C has pointer arithmetic. You can add or subtract an integer from a pointer to get a pointer to a different object. You can subtract two pointers to get the integer distance (or offset) between the objects pointed to.
  4. Pointers and pointer arithmetic are portable and shield the programmer from hardware differences. Unless a programmer is doing exceptional things, pointers and pointer arithmetic can be used without knowing the size in bytes of objects or their alignment requirements. (The exceptional things requiring such knowledge in C usually involve casts between pointers and integers or between different pointer types.) In fact, pointers in C are usually as portable as arrays in other languages. (The reason for this will be obvious shortly.)

  1. C中的指针是强类型,指针的类型包含了指向对象的类型。因此,如果你解引用一个指向 float 的指针,你得到一个 float
  2. C中的指针是类型系统中的正交部分。你可以有指向指针的指针,指针的数组,甚至是指向整个数组的指针。
  3. C包含指针运算。你可以用一个整数对指针进行加法和减法,来得到一个指向不同对象的指针。你可以把两个指针相减来得到所指目标之间的整数距离(或偏移量)。
  4. 指针和指针运算是可移植的,为程序员屏蔽了硬件差异。除非程序员正在做一些异常的事情。指针和指针运算可以在不知道目标字节数大小或是它们的对齐需要的情况下使用(异常的事情依赖于这样的知识:C中经常涉及指针和整数或是和不同指针类型之间的转换)。事实上,C中的指针跟其他语言中的数组一样可移植(这个理由很快就会是显而易见的)。

While other languages have one or more of these pointer features, C was the first language to have them all. For example, some earlier systems implementation languages had pointer arithmetic, but that pointer arithmetic involved adding or subtracting the correct offset in bytes between objects. If C had adopted this model, then incrementing a pointer to an int would look like p + sizeof(int). , pointer arithmetic in C automatically multiplies the integer added or subtracted from a pointer by the size of the object being pointed to. When two pointers are subtracted, the result is automatically divided by the size of the objects. Without the automatic multiplying and dividing in C pointer arithmetic, programmers would have a little more work to do, have a few more chances for error, and have a needless temptation to write non-portable code. (Lazy programmers might tire of typing sizeof (int) when they could just type 4.)

    在其他语言只有这些指针特性中的一个或更多的时候,C是第一个包含以上全部特性的语言。例如,例如,一些早期的系统实现语言拥有指针运算,但是涉及加法和减法的指针运算结果是对象之间以字节计算的偏移量。如果C采用这种模型,那么一个指向 int 的指针的增量将看起来 p + sizeof(int)。作为代替,C中的指针运算自动为这个与指针相加或者相加的整数乘以该指针指向对象的大小。C中的指针运算没有这种自动的乘和除的话,程序员将有更多工作要做,将有更多的几率导致错误,并有不必要的诱惑来写不可移植的代码(懒惰的程序员也许厌倦了键入 sizeof(int),当他可以直接键入 4 的时候)。

One of the consequences of C’s pointer arithmetic was that arrays and pointers became interrelated concepts. In the definition of C, the [] operator is defined in terms of pointer arithmetic: a[i] means the same as *(a + i). In turn, pointer arithmetic is defined in terms of the storage layout of arrays. If a pointer p points to an element of an array, then adding n to the pointer makes it point at the nth element following the original one. The equiVLAence of indexing and pointer arithmetic answers one of the common questions asked by new C programmers, “Why do array indexes start at zero rather than one?” If pointer p points at the first element of an array, then p + 0 still points at that first element. Since an array name is just a pointer to the first element of the array when used with the index operator, and since indexing is by definition pointer arithmetic, a[0] must reference the first element of the array a.

    C指针运算的一个重要结果就是,数组和指针变成了相互关联的概念。在C的定义中,[] 运算符是依据指针运定义的:a[i] 的意义与 *(a + i) 相同。相应的,指针运算是依照数组的存储布局来定义的。如果指针 p 指向一个数组中的某个元素,那么对这个指针加 n 使它指向原来元素后面的第 n 个元素。索引和指针运算的等价回答了一个新的C程序员常问的问题,“为什么数组索引以零开始而不是一?”如果指针 p 指向数组的第一个元素,那么 p + 0 仍然指向第一个元素。因为在使用索引运算符的时候,数据的名字就是一个指向数组第一个元素的指针,又因为索引是由指针运算定义的,a[0] 一定引用了数组 a 的第一个元素。

Pointers are also very important to the processing of arrays. Since arrays cannot be passed by VLAue to a function, a function that operates on an array is passed a pointer to the first element of the array. The language facilitates this by automatically rewriting the type of a parameter declared to be an array into a pointer to the array’s element type. An array name used as an argument to a function is automatically converted to a pointer to the first element of the array. A pointer may be indexed by the [] operator since pointer arithmetic is the same for both arrays and pointers. The relationship between arrays and pointers is such that it really doesn’t matter whether code operating on an “array” is really dealing with an array or a pointer to the first element of an array.

    指针在处理数组的时候也是非常重要的,因为数组不能按值传递给一个函数,操作一个数组的函数被传入一个指向该数组第一个元素的指针。语言通过自动把申明成数组参数的类型重写为一个指向该数组元素的类型。函数中作为参数使用的数组名称自动转换成指向数组第一个元素的指针。指针也可以通过 [] 运算符索引,因为指针运算对数组和指针都是相同的。数组和指针的关系是这样的:它确实不关心代码操作的一个“数组”是真正按照数组处理的还是按照指向数组第一个元素的指针处理的。

Problems with Arrays


Given that pointers are one of the strongest features of C, and that arrays are closely tied to pointers, it is surprising that C90 arrays are somewhat weak compared to other languages. The source of this weakness is two places in C90 where the size of objects must be known at compile time. Interestingly, these places hardly affect single dimension arrays, but greatly impact multidimensional arrays.

    考虑到指针是C中最强大的特性之一,并且数组与指针紧密相关,令人惊讶的是 C90 的数组有点弱于其他语言的。这个弱点来自两个地方,在C90中对象的大小必须在编译时确定。有趣的是,这些地方对一维数组几乎没有影响,但是极大地影响了多维数组。

The first place is that the size of all types must be known at compile time. (There are incomplete types, not discussed further in this article, whose size need not be known at compile time, but their use is so restricted that you can neither fetch or store a VLAue of incomplete type.) This means that you cannot declare an array whose size varies with the needs of the program as it runs. However, if you only need a single dimensional array, you can get the effect of an array with variable bounds by dynamically allocating it. For example, the following dynamically allocates an “array” of n floats and initializes all of the elements with 1.0.

    第一个地方是所有类型的大小必须在编译时已知。(存在不完整类型,但是不会在本文中讨论,它们的大小不必在编译时确定,但是他们的用法如此受限以至于你不能存取一个不完整类型的值)。这意味着你不能声明一个在程序运行时根据需要大小不同的数组。然而,如果你只需要一个一维数组,你可以达到这个效果,通过动态分配得到一个可变边界的数组。例如,下面动态分配了一个 n 个浮点数的“数组”,并把所有元素初始化为 1.0

float *a;
a = malloc(n * sizeof(float));
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    a[i] = 1.0;
Note that even though a is a pointer, it can be indexed like an array using the [] operator because of the definition of [] in terms of pointer arithmetic. This approach works well for single dimensional arrays because, even though we have to dynamically allocate and free the storage ourselves, we can pretend that our pointer is an array in the rest of the code. Unfortunately, this does not work as well for multidimensional arrays, which brings us to the to the second place where C90 requires the size of objects to be a compile-time constant: pointer arithmetic. The above code works because we do not need to know the size of the entire array to index into it, only the size of an element. However, if you have a two-dimensional array with bounds m and n, int a[m][n], that means that a is an array of [m] elements each of which is an array of [n] ints. EVLAuating the expression a[i] requires knowing the size of the element type, which is the size of an array of [n] ints. Since n is a run-time expression, the size of the array that is an element of the multidimensional array is a run-time expression, and it becomes impossible to calculate the first index operator given the restrictions in C90. The workaround in C90 for this problem is to take over not only the storage management of the multidimensional array, but its index calculations as well. The code looks like:

    请注意,即使是一个指针,也可以像数组一样使用 [] 运算符索引,因为 [] 是依照指针运算定义的。这个方法非常适用于一维数组,因为即使我们不得不自己分配和释放存储空间,我们仍然可以在剩余的代码中把我们的指针装作一个数组。不幸的是,这在多维数组上工作得不太好,这给我们带来第二个地方:指针运算,在C90 中要求对象的大小是一个编译时常量。上面的代码之所以工作是因为我们不需要知道整个数组的大小就可以索引它,只需要一个元素的大小。然而,如果你有一个边界为 m 和 n 的二维数组, int a[m][n] ,这表示 a 是一个[m] 个元素的数组,每一个元素是一个[n] int 的数组。计算表达式 a[i] 需要知道元素类型的大小,也就是一个 [n] int 数组的大小。因为 n 是一个运行时表达式,这个作为多维数组中一个元素的数组的大小是一个运行时表达式,它变成无法计算第一个索引运算符,由于C90的限制。C90对这些问题的变通方案是不仅仅接管多维数组的内存管理,还要计算它的索引,代码看起来像这样:
float *a;
a = malloc(m * n * sizeof(float));
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
    for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
        a[i*n + j] = 1.0;
Note that uses of this “multidimensional array” do not look very natural. Instead of having two indexes for the two-dimensional array, we only have one. We manually have to multiply the “first” index by the number of elements in the second dimension, since each index VLAue of the first dimension means skipping over the number of elements in the second dimension. The index expression looks ugly and gets uglier if there are more than two dimensions. In a three-dimensional array with bounds [L][M][N], the first index is multiplied by M*N and the second index is multiplied by N. The C90 requirements for compile-time constant array bounds results in exactly the sorts of manual multiplies, verbosity, and opportunities for error that C so cleverly avoided in pointer arithmetic.

    请注意,这个“多维数组”的用法看起来不是非常自然。我们没有在该二维数组上使用两个索引,我们只有一个。我们不得不手工的对“第一个”索引乘以第二维的元素个数,因为每一个第一维的索引值表示跳过了第二维元素的个数。这个索引表达式看起来很丑陋,并且在有两个以上维度时会更丑陋。在边界为 [L][M][N] 的三维数组中,第一个索引要乘以 M*N 而第二个索引要乘以 N。C90要求数组边界为运行时常量正好造成了那些C在指针运算中聪明的避免了的手工乘法、冗长和错误几率。

Enter Variable Length Arrays


C99 remedies these problems by adding variable length arrays to C. Given that pointers are important to the processing of arrays, C99 also adds pointers to variable length arrays and permits pointer arithmetic where the size of the object being pointed to is only known at run time. The sizeof operator is eVLAuated at run time if you apply it to a variable length array. (It is still eVLAuated at compile time if its argument is not a VLA.) These changes mean that the natural array notation can be used even if the bounds of even a multidimensional array are all run-time expressions. Similar to previous examples,

    C99通过向C加入变长数组挽救这些问题。考虑到指针在处理数组时很重要,C99还加入了指向变长数组的指针并允许指针运算,其所指对象的大小只有在运行时才知道。 sizeof 运算符在运行时求值如果你把它作用于一个变长数组(仍然在编译时求值如果它的参数不是VLA)。这些改变意味着自然的数组表示法可以使用了,即使一个多维数组的边界都是运行时表达式。类似于上一个例子:
void f(int m, int n)
    float a[m][n];
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
    for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    a[i][j] = 1.0;
The correct amount of storage for a VLA is automatically allocated when the block containing the array is entered and the declaration of the VLA is reached; the storage is automatically deallocated when leaving the block. Thus, VLAs can simplify storage management of programs since some uses that required manual use of malloc and free in C90 can be replaced by VLAs. For example, instead of code like:

    在进入包含VLA的块并到达该VLA的声明时,为VLA分配了正确大小的存储空间;在离开该块时这些存储空间自动释放。因此,VLA可以简化程序的存储管理,因为一些在C90中需要手工使用 malloc 和 free 的用法可以由VLA取代。例如,替换的代码如:
 void process(int n)
    // Set up a buffer of n characters    设置 n 个字符的缓冲区
    char *b = malloc(n);
    // do the work    工作
    // free the buffer    释放缓冲区
you could write:


void process(int n)
    // Set up a buffer of n characters    设置 n 个字符的缓冲区
    char b[n];
    // do the work    工作

The addition of variable length arrays to C99 finally gives arrays the same flexibility and elegance that pointer types in C have traditionally had. The compiler now automatically handles the storage management and the complexities of index calculations of arrays whose bounds are not compile-time constants. The result is that programmers can use the natural array notation even when the size of arrays is only known at run time. Next month’s column will cover the full semantics of variable length arrays and pointers to variably length arrays, including variable length arrays that are function parameters.


Randy Meyers is consultant providing training and mentoring in C, C++, and Java. He is the current chair of J11, the ANSI C committee, and previously was a member of J16 (ANSI C++) and the ISO Java Study Group. He worked on compilers for Digital Equipment Corporation for 16 years and was Project Architect for DEC C and C++. He can be reached at

 Randy Meyers 是为C、C++和JAVA提供培训和指导的顾问。他目前是ANSI C委员会J11的主席,之前是J16(ANSI C++)和ISO JAVA学习小组(ISO Java Study Group)的成员。他曾经在DEC公司(Digital Equipment Corporation)研究编译器长达16年,并且是DEC C和C++的项目架构师。可以通过以下地址与他联系。
