The New C: It All Began with FORTRAN


By Randy Meyers, November 01, 2000

Sometimes the best way to improve a language is to make it look more like the one it set out to obsolete 30 years earlier.


It all began with FORTRAN.

In this case, I am not referring to the fact that FORTRAN was the first programming language, but that a disagreement in the 1960s on how to implement parameter passing in FORTRAN accidentally gave FORTRAN a huge performance advantage on supercomputers in the 1970s, and eventually led to a new feature in C99 in the 1990s. The new C99 feature is restricted pointers, and one of the best ways to understand the motivation for restricted pointers is to follow the history of the accident in FORTRAN.

In FORTRAN, unlike C, if a function assigns a new value to a parameter, the value of the actual argument passed to the function will change, and after the function returns, the caller will see the new value of the argument. Consider the FORTRAN code in Example 1 below. If you call F passing a variable Y as an argument, after F returns, Y will equal 6.



    在FORTRAN中,跟C不一样,如果一个函数给形参赋了一个新值,被传入的实参数值也会被改变,在函数返回以后,调用者得到这个参数的新值[b]。考虑下面Example 1中的FORTRAN代码。如果你使用变量Y作为参数调用函数F,在F返回以后,Y的值是6。

Example 1:

X = 6

Here is where the disagreement came in. Different FORTRAN compilers chose one of two different ways to achieve the FORTRAN semantics for parameter passing. The first way was "by reference" parameter passing, or the way that your typical C programmer would write a function that modifies a variable in its caller. The function is passed the address of the argument and uses indirection everywhere when accessing the parameter. If the FORTRAN compiler produced C code as its output, the result would be something like Example 2.

    这就是分歧所在。不同的FORTRAN编译器选择了两种不同方法中的一种来实现FORTRAN语义中的参数传递。第一种方法是“引用(by reference)”传递参数,也就是典型的C程序员使用的:编写一个函数修改调用者的变量[c]。参数的地址被传入这个函数,任何地方存取这个参数都需要间接存取。如果FORTRAN编译器产生C代码输出的话,结果会像Example 2那样。

Example 2:
void f(int *x)
    *x = 6;
However, on some machines, indirection was fairly expensive compared to directly referencing a local variable. This led to the second way to implement FORTRAN parameter passing. The address of the actual argument is still passed to the function, but the function when entered makes a local copy of the argument, uses the local copy throughout the body of the function, and then copies the local copy back to the original argument before returning. Such a FORTRAN compiler would produce code that looks something like Example 3. While "copy in/copy out" parameter passing adds overhead to entering and returning from a function, if the parameter is referenced just a few times, and the (expensive on some machines) indirection is eliminated, the net result is increased performance (on some machines).

    然而,在一些机器上,比起直接引用一个局部变量,间接访问的代价要大得多。这就导致了实现FORTRAN参数传递的第二种方法。实际参数的地址仍然被传出函数,但是在进入这个函数的时候产生一个该参数的局部副本(copy)[d],在整个函数体中使用这个局部副本,并在返回之前把这个局部副本复制回原来的参数。这样的FORTRAN编译器会产生像Example 3的代码。尽管“复制入/复制出(copy in/copy out)”传递参数增加了进入和返回函数时的开销,但是如果一个参数仅仅引用数次,并且排除了(一些机器上昂贵的)间接访问,最终的结果是提高了性能(在一些机器上)。

 Example 3:
 void f(int *x)
    int xcopy = *x;
    xcopy = 6;
    *x = xcopy;
Many times, the details of how a compiler implements a language feature are just "implementation details" in the usual sense. They do not affect the way programmers write programs, and programming language standards committees allow implementations to freely choose among the alternatives. However, FORTRAN programs could produce different results depending on the parameter passing mechanism used. Consider the FORTRAN code in Example 4, and the two different translations of that code into C.

许多时候,编译器如果实现一个语言特性的细节仅仅是通常意义上的“实现细节”。它们并不影响程序员编写程序的方式,编程语言标准委员会允许实现自由的在各个可选方案中选择。然而,跟据不同的参数传递实现机制,FORTRAN程序会产生不同的结果。考虑Example 4中的FORTRAN代码,以及C代码的两种不同翻译。

Example 4:
X = 1 + X
Y = 5 + Y

// Translation using "by reference"
// “引用”的翻译
void g(int *x, int *y)
    *x = 1 + *x;
    *y = 5 + *y;

// Translation using
// "copy in/copy out"
// “复制入/复制出”的翻译
void g(int *x, int *y)
    int xcopy = *x;
    int ycopy = *y;
    xcopy = 1 + xcopy;
    ycopy = 5 + ycopy;
    *x = xcopy;
    *y = ycopy;
The G subroutine adds different constants to both its parameters. If you pass two arguments, variables A and B, to the function G, and before the call A has the value 1 and B had the value 10, then as you would suspect, after the call, A would have the value 2 and B would have the value 15. This would be true regardless of which implementation of FORTRAN parameter passing was used.

However, consider what happens if you pass A (initial value 1) as both parameters. If "by reference" parameter passing is used, after the call A has the value of 7. A is updated during the assignment to *x, and then again during the assignment to *y, since both x and y point to A. In contrast, if "copy in/copy out" parameter passing is used, then after the call to G, A has the value 6. Distinct copies of A were made inside G, and the additions were made separately to each copy. Both copies were eventually assigned back to A, but the last assignment "won."

The two alternative parameter passing mechanisms are an example of the types of tradeoffs that the definers of any programming language have to face. Should the language require a particular implementation technique, possibly at the expense of efficiency? Should the language features be changed to avoid some controversy? The FORTRAN definition decided in favor of efficiency to allow either parameter passing mechanism. Once that decision was made, certain types of programs became non-portable, and were "outlawed."

The FORTRAN 66 standard contained all sorts of rules that seemed completely unmotivated to many programmers. You can pass any one variable to a function at most once in the argument list. If you pass a variable as an argument to a function, that function cannot also reference the variable as a global (FORTRAN COMMON). If you pass a variable to a function, you cannot also pass anything, and the function can not reference anything, that overlaps it in storage (FORTRAN EQUIVALENCE). No program that follows those rules can determine which parameter passing mechanism is used.

About ten years later, the Cray 1 supercomputer required highly optimizing compilers to allow traditional programs to make use of the machine's vector registers, and thus achieve supercomputer performance. Consider the program in Example 5. The most efficient code for the function is to load the array pointed to by x into a vector register, then load the array pointed to by y into a vector register, and then do a vector add instruction adding the two vector registers together. If the compiler generates vector instructions, rather than a traditional loop accessing the array an element at a time, the code may run an order of magnitude faster.





    大约10年以后,巨型机Cray 1需要高度优化的编译器,使传统的程序能够利用该机器的向量寄存器,来提高巨型机的性能。考虑Example 5的程序。对于这个函数来说,最高效的代码是把x指向的数组装载入一个向量寄存器,然后把y指向的数组装加入另一个向量寄存器,然后执行一次向量加法指令把两个向量寄存器相加。如果编译器产生向量指令,而不是传统的每次循环都存取数组中的一个元素,这样的代码运行起来可能快一个数量级。

Example 5:
vector_add(float *x, float *y,
float *result)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i)
        result[i] = x[i] + y[i];
The optimizer in a compiler can certainly transform a loop into a sequence of vector instructions, but the question is whether the sequence of vector instructions is really equivalent to the original loop. Loading all the x array and the y array into vector registers before doing any stores into the result array works only if you know that the result array is distinct from both x and y. Consider what happens if result points to x[1]. Then result[0] is really x[1], and result[i] is the same as x[i+1]. Each iteration of the loop stores values referenced in the next iteration. If you load x into a vector register before doing stores into result, the values calculated change. It is at this point the accident in the definition of FORTRAN comes in. In order to avoid requiring a particular parameter passing mechanism, the FORTRAN Standard had exactly the right set of rules to allow a vectorizing compiler to assume that x, y, and result are all distinct, non-overlapping arrays. Thus, by accident, FORTRAN had a major performance advantage on vector machines.


This performance advantage also carried over into parallel processor machines. The goal for an optimizing compiler for a parallel processor is to divide a loop into several ranges of iterations that can be done by separate processors working independently of each other. Thus, the loop in vector_add might be divided into two ranges: one processor might handle iterations 0 to 31 while another processor simultaneously does iterations 32 to 63. Work can be divided up among different processors only if the compiler knows that the results of the iterations done by one processor are not needed by a different processor working simultaneously. Proving this usually means the compiler needs to determine that different arrays are distinct, non-overlapping objects. Again, the rules in FORTRAN are exactly what a compiler needs in order to prove it can automatically parallelize a program.

While the FORTRAN performance advantage started out on supercomputers, it is now present on your typical, modern, general-purpose microprocessor. These days, most general-purpose microprocessors have a superscalar design:

A compiler for a superscalar machine has to carefully schedule the instructions it generates, and interleave instructions from different computations, to achieve maximum performance. For example, loading a memory value into a register takes a long time. If you attempt to use the value in the register before the value from memory arrives, the processor will stall. So, the compiler will try to generate a load instruction, followed by several instructions that do not need the result of the load, followed by the instructions that use the result of the load. This gives the load time to finish, and keeps the processor busy.

Consider vector_add from Example 5. A typical optimization performed for a superscalar processor is to load x[i+1] and y[i+1] into registers at the start of the iteration for i. This means that each iteration of the loop conveniently has its operands fetched from memory for it by the previous iteration, and thus never has to wait for the slow memory system to provide a value.

However, this prefetching works only if the results of one iteration of the loop does not affect the operands fetched by the next iteration of the loop. Proving this usually means knowing that the objects operated upon by the loop are distinct and non-overlapping.

    一个超标量计算机的编译器必须仔细的安排它产生的指令,交错不同计算的指令,以达到最好的性能。例如,从主存总装载一个值到寄存器中需要较长的时间。如果 你在主存中的值到达以前,就尝试使用寄存器中的指,处理器将会暂停。因此,编译器将会尝试产生一个装载指令,后面接着数条不需要该装载结果的指令,然后才 是需要该装载结果的指令。这给了装载操作一些时间来完成,并保持处理器一直在工作状态。

    考虑Example 5中的vector_add,一种超标量处理器的典型优化措施是,在迭代 i 开始的时候就装载 x[i+1]y[i+1] 到寄存器中。这意味着,循环中的每一次迭代已经在前一次迭代中从主存中取出了操作数,因此永远不必等待缓慢的主存系统来提供一个值。


Clearly, C could not concede this performance advantage to FORTRAN forever. Note that FORTRAN's advantage over C comes only because C programs use pointers. A C compiler can perform any of the optimizations discussed when it sees individual objects being operated upon directly. The problem is when objects are operated upon indirectly through pointers. Since, in general, the compiler has no idea which object a pointer is referencing, the compiler cannot prove a pointer references a distinct object.


One approach used by some C compilers is to provide an optional, "unsafe" level of optimization beyond normal optimization. If unsafe optimization is enabled when the program is compiled, the compiler will assume that all pointers point to distinct objects, and the resulting program will run faster. Unfortunately, if the programmer meant for some pointers to reference the same object, the program will likely also get incorrect results.

A better solution is to allow the programmer to mark which pointers in the program point to distinct objects. This is the new "restricted pointer" feature in C99. (Some C++ compilers also support restricted pointers; however, they are not part of Standard C++.) C99 has a new keyword, restrict, that is a type-qualifier like const and volatile. Syntactically, restrict can appear wherever const and volatile can. However, semantically, restrict must modify a pointer type. This usually means that restrict follows the * in a pointer declaration. The following snippet shows some examples.

     一个更好的解决办法是,允许程序员标记程序中的哪些指针是指向独特的对象。这就是C99的新特性“受限指针”。(一些C++编译器也支持受限指针;然而,它们不是C++标准的一部分)。C99有一个新的关键词restrict,这是像constvolatile 那样的类型限定符。在语法上, restrict 可以出现在任何 constvolatile 能出现的地方。然而,在语义上,restrict 只能修饰指针类型。这通常表示 restrict 出现在指针声明的 * 后面。下面的片段展示了一些例子。

Example 6:

int *restrict p1; // OK, p1 is a restricted pointer to int
                             // 合法,p1是一个指向整型的受限指针
restrict int *p2; // invalid: pointer to restricted int
                             // 非法:指向一个受限整型
typedef int *intptr;
restrict intptr p3; //OK, p3 is a restricted pointer to int
                                // 合法,p3是一个指向整型的受限指针

C99 also adds a new syntactic spot where any type qualifier can appear: after the [ in an array parameter declaration. Remember, a parameter of type array is really a parameter of type pointer. The type qualifiers following the [ act as if they followed the * when the parameter's type is rewritten as a pointer type. Thus:

C99 还增加了一个语法点:任何类型限定符可以出现在数组声明的 [ 后面。记住,一个某种类型的数组参数,实际上就是这种类型的指针。在 [ 后面的类型限定符,当参数类型重写成指针类型时,就如同它们出现在 * 后面。

 int f(float array[const restrict]);

is the same as:


int f(float *const restrict array);

There's a bug in the C99 Standard — the change to the grammar to allow type qualifiers following thein an array parameter declaration was made only to the grammar rule when the parameter is named. The change should have also been made for unnamed parameters. I hope that C compilers will accept the unnamed parameter case as a common extension until the C Standard can be corrected:

    在C99标准中存在一个bug——从语法上允许类型限定符出现在数组参数声明的 [ 后面,这个改动只有该参数被命名的时候该语法规则才生效。这个改动本应该也支持未命名参数。我希望在标准正确以前,C编译器能针对未命名参数的情况接受一个常用的扩展。

 int f(float [restrict]); // common extension
                                         // 常用的扩展

As you probably suspect, the rough meaning of a restricted pointer is that it provides a unique way to access a unique, non-overlapping object in the program. In other words, the object accessed through this pointer can be assumed to be unique from any other object being referenced in the code during the lifetime of the restricted pointer, or until the restricted pointer's value changes. This allows an optimizer to safely make the sorts of optimizations discussed above, as well as other optimizations such as avoiding recomputing common (duplicate) subexpressions involving access through pointers.


There is an exception to the rule that a restricted pointer during its lifetime provides the sole access to an object. If the object is never modified in any fashion during the lifetime of the restricted pointer, then the object may be accessed not only by the restricted pointer but other ways as well. Such access does not interfere with any optimizations.


In order to understand the "uniqueness" rules of restricted pointers, you might want to think of them in terms of "copy in/copy out" semantics. Pretend that when you assign an address to a restricted pointer, a copy is made of the entire part of the object that is being referenced though the restricted pointer. The restricted pointer then points to the copy instead of the original object. Magically, the restricted pointer remembers the address of the original object, and if you ever change the value of the restricted pointer, or the restricted pointer goes out of scope, then the copy of the object is copied back to the original object referenced. This pretend "copy in/copy out" transformation breaks your program only if the program violates the uniqueness rules of restricted pointers.


Here are some examples. If someone stores into the original object during the lifetime of the restricted pointer, then accesses through the restricted pointer will fetch the unmodified values from the copy, not the updated values from the original object. If the restricted pointer is used to modify the object, then accesses made not through the restricted pointer during the lifetime of the restricted pointer will see the old values from the original object, not the updated values in the copy. On the other hand, if your program works even if the pretend copy in/copy out transformation was performed, then it is safe to use restricted pointers, and doing so might enable many useful optimizations.

    这里有一些例子。如果有人在受限指针的生存期内,(把数据)存入了原始对象, 那么通过访问这个受限指针取得的将是来自副本中未修改的值,而不是原始对象中更新过的值。如果通过这个受限指针来修改这个对象,在该受限指针的生产期内,不是通过该受限指针(对对象)的访问将会看到来自原始对象的旧值,而不是副本中更新过的值。另一方面,如果在假设实施了“复制入/复制出”变换的情况下,你的程序仍然工作,那么使用受限指针是安全的,这样做也许能够开启许多有用的优化。

The lifetime of a restricted pointer is the period of time during the execution of the program that the pointer itself would be allocated. For an automatic variable, it is the block in which it is declared is active. For a parameter, it is until the function body returns. For a file-scope variable, it is until main returns.


As I stated above, the uniqueness property applies only to the parts of the object actually accessed through the restricted pointer. For example, if vector_add from Example 5 declared all three of its parameters to be restricted pointers, it would be valid to make the call:

    如我在上面所述的,唯一性属性仅仅作用于对象中实际通过受限指针存取的部分。例如:如果Example 5中的 vector_add 把它的三个参数都声明为受限指针,这样调用是合法的:

float data[192];
vector_add(&data[0], &data[64], &data[128]);

Since vector_add accesses only 64 elements from any of the arrays pointed to by its parameters, all of the accesses of the data array are unique to one of the three restricted pointer parameters. The data array is really being treated as three, unique, non-overlapping arrays. However, if the second argument was &array[63], the call would be invalid since the x parameter and the y parameter were both accessing the same storage.

    因为vector_add 只从它的参数指向数组中存取64个元素, 所有对数据数组的访问,对于三个受限指针参数中的任意一个来说都是唯一的。该数据数组真的被看作3个不同的、不重叠的数组。然而,如果第二个参数是 &array[63],这样的调用是不合法的,因为 参数 x 和参数 y 同时访问了相同的存储位置。

It is best to confine your use of restricted pointers to code that is fairly straightforward. If you have a hard time following how your pointers are used, there is an increased danger that you are inadvertently making invalid references to the object referenced by the restricted pointer not using the restricted pointer (you have invalid aliasing).


This brings us to the subject of debugging. If your program doesn't work, or stops working in the future, and you use restricted pointers, you might want to see if the problem is invalid aliasing. Some compilers have an option to merely ignore restrict, which allows you to test if aliasing is the problem. If your compiler lacks such an option, define restrict to be a macro with no body when compiling your program. Since the only meaning of restrict is to permit additional optimization, it can be safely deleted from any program.

    这给我们带来一些调试的话题。如果你的程序在未来不工作了,并且你使用了受限指针,你可能想要看看问题时不是出在非法的别名上。一些编译器提供了一个仅仅忽略 restrict t选项,允许你测试问题是否在别名上。如果你的编译器缺少这样一个功能,在编译你的程序的时候把 restrict定义为一个空的宏。因为 restrict 的唯一意义是允许额外的优化,它能够安全地从任何程序中删除。

In addition to optimization, you can also use restrict to warn a user of your code that the code just will not work if you pass in pointers to the same or overlapping objects. For example, the C89 standard contained a statement at the beginning of the library section that, unless stated otherwise, you must not pass pointers to the same or overlapping objects to the functions in the standard library. This ruled out lots of silly uses of the library, like calling sprintf with the pointers to the format string and the result string being the same. The C99 Standard still contains that prose prohibition, but emphasizes the requirement by making most of the pointer arguments in the prototypes in the library restricted pointers. The restrict keyword allows the specification in the C Language itself a prohibition that previously required English text.

    除了优化,你还可以使用 restrict来警告你的代码的用户:在你使用指针传递相同的或重叠的对象时,这些代码是行不通的。例如,C89标准在标准库部分(library section)的开头包含了一个声明:除非另有说明,否则你不得往标准库中的函数传递指向相同或重叠对象的指针。这样排除了许多对标准库愚蠢的使用, 像是调用 sprintf 而指向格式字符串和结果字符串的指针却是相同的。C99仍然包含了该散文禁令(prose prohibition),但是强调了这个需求:把大部分标准库原形中的指针参数标记为受限指针。 restrict 关键字允许C语言本身作为一个规格说明禁令,之前需要用英语文本。

There you have it. Thirty-three years of programming language history and a new keyword in C.


Randy Meyers is consultant providing training and mentoring in C, C++, and Java. He is the current chair of J11, the ANSI C committee, and previously was a member of J16 (ANSI C++) and the ISO Java Study Group. He worked on compilers for Digital Equipment Corporation for 16 years and was Project Architect for DEC C and C++. He can be reached at

Randy Meyers 是为C、C++和JAVA提供培训和指导的顾问。他目前是ANSI C委员会J11的主席,之前是J16(ANSI C++)和ISO JAVA学习小组(ISO Java Study Group)的成员。他曾经在DEC公司(Digital Equipment Corporation)研究编译器长达16年,并且是DEC C和C++的项目架构师。可以通过以下地址与他联系。

[a] FORTRAN 是第一种高级程序语言。
[b] C语言中所有的参数传递都是传值。因而直接修改参数的值不会改变调用者中原来的值。
[c] 如上面所说的,C语言只有传值,没有引用,但是可以用指针来模拟这个特性。
[d] 我不喜欢“拷贝”这个翻译,但是“副本”可能用得少,似乎也并不见得比前者好。
[e] 也不必知道,因为遵循这些规则以后写出来的程序是无歧义的。
[f] 我猜,以ia32为例,指的是类似leal这种指令,例如取整型数组ai个位置的值附给j ,指令可能是这样的:
;int j = a[i];
;%eax a的地址
;%ecx i的值
;%edx j的地址

leal (%eax, 4, %ecx), %edx
该指令把%eax + 4 * %ecx所指地址的值(也就是a[i])写入%edx指向的地址。
[g] 我猜这个可以用C++的“引用”来理解。
[h] 这有一个引申自《深入理解计算机系统》的小例子:
void func1 (int *x, int *y)
    *x += *y;
    *x += *y;

void func2 (int *x, int *y)
    *x += 2 * (*y);

void func3 (int *restrict x, int *restrict y)
    *x += *y;
    *x += *y;
在这里,func2的效率比func1要高,但编译器却不能把func1优化成func2的形式,想想如果x和y指向同一个对象。但是有了restrict 关键字,func3可以优化成func2的形式。
[i] 这句话翻译不好,意思是程序可能产生错误的结果。
[j] 什么是不合法的别名?这里有一个译者编造的例子:
int a[10];

void func1 (void)
    func2 (a);

void func2 (int *restrict p)
    p[0] = 0;
    a[0] = 1;    /* 不合法的别名:通过全局变量访问a,受限指针p同时也指向a */
    p[1] = 1;

    /* ... */
